THE ANALOG SKY is a short movie directed by Alessio Nanni.

Shot in London UK, The Anaglog Sky is entirely made using timelapse photography.
More than 6500 shots merged together in post production with a stunning visual quality and an original electronic music composition for a unique visual-acousitc experience.

THE ANALOG SKY 4 - Alessio Nanni

Alessio Nanni

THE ANALOG SKY 2 - Alessio Nanni

THE ANALOG SKY 3 - Alessio Nanni

Music composed and produced by Alessio Nanni at WHITE NOISE FACTORY
Copyright © by Alessio Nanni – BMI Music
All Rights Reserved.

3 responses to “THE ANALOG SKY”

  1. Giulio Passadori says:

    Visto in HD toglie davvero il fiato !
    Musica perfetta per le immagini, entra nel profondo e mi fa sentire parte del mondo.
    Grazie Alessio, riesci sempre a stupire.

  2. Emma says:

    Io sono Londonese… questa musica si mostra la mia citta e la bellezza con suoni belli… 🙂 grazie… I am really digging you, Alessio Nanni at the moment, as I see and hear the creative work you do! 😉 P.S. Io spero la mia Italiana e’ corretto!

    • Dear Emma,
      thank you so much for your comment. Really appreciated.
      I love London, I feel it’s my place in the world.
      That’s just a very humble contribution to a truly inspiring place.
      Btw, your italian is good!

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